Philosophies of Philosophy Programme


“One might think: if philosophy speaks of the use of the word "philosophy" there must be a second-order philosophy. But it is not so: it is, rather, like the case of orthography, which deals with the word "orthography" among others without then being second-order”.  Wittgenstein, PI §121.





Celebrating 20 Years of the International Journal of Philosophical Studies

School of Philosophy, University College Dublin

June 17-19

Newman House

86 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2


Online Registration:





June 17


Opening Address, Iveagh Room

Chair: Dermot Moran (UCD)


10.00-11.00 On Philosophical Divisions

          Maria Baghramian (UCD)



11.00-11.30 Coffee break



Graduate Students Sessions


Parallel Session A1, Iveagh Room

Chair: Pegah Lashgarlou (UCD)


11.30-12.00 Beyond the ‘Analytic-Continental’ Gap: The Converging Methods in the History of Philosophy

                         ANDRIJA SOC (Belgrade University)


12.00-12.30 Why Believe the Dictionary? Ordinary Language Philosophy: Between Austin and Wittgenstein

                          SEBASTIAN GREVE (Birkbeck College, University of London)


12.30-13.00 Is Chinese Thought Philosophy? An Investigation from the Perspective of Song and Ming Neo                    Confucianism

          Yangxiao Ou (University College Cork)






Parallel Session B1, Room 9

Chair: Dylan Trigg


11.30-12.00 The Textuality of Philosophy

                         MARTIN GRüNFELD (UCD)


12.00-12.30 Heidegger’s Hermeneutics of Suspicion

                        NAOMI VAN STEENBERGEN (Essex)


12.30-13.00 Hegel and the De-familiarization of the Familiar

                        Hammam Aldouri (CRMEP Kingston University)



1.00 – 2.30 LUNCH BREAK



Parallel Session A2, Iveagh Room

Chair: Tom McNally (TCD)


2.30- 3.00 Intuitions and Skepticism

                     Martha Cassidy-Brinn (University of Vienna)


3.00-3.30 Practical Knowledge in Mathematical Practice: A suggestion from Wittgenstein's philosophy

                   MONICA SOLOMON (Notre Dame)



Parallel Session B2, Room 9

Chair: Meline Papazian (UCD)


2.30-3.00 Davidsonian - Heideggerian account of Truth: a middle ground position                   

      MEhdi Nassaji (University of Hull)


3.00-3.30 Which turn to take in the Philosophy of Understanding?

                    JONATHAN LEWIS (Royal Holloway)



3.30-4.00 Coffee Break



Invited Sessions, Iveagh Room

Chair: Mahon O’Brien (UCD)


4.00-5.00 Phenomenology: Some Metaphilosophical Considerations

     Søren Overgaard (University of Copenhagen)


Chair:  Joseph Cohen (UCD)


5.00-6.00 Reading Hegel: Some Remarks

     GILLES MARMASSE (Sorbonne)

June 18



Invited Session, Physics Theatre

Chair: Maria Baghramian (UCD)


10.00 -11.00 What do we learn from Phenomenology?

           DERMOT MORAN (UCD)



11.00-11.30 Coffee Breaks



Parallel Session A1, Iveagh Room

Chair: Paul O’Grady (TCD)


11.30-12.00 The Methodological and Metaphilosophical assumptions of the Gettier tradition in Epistemology

                           BOB LOCKIE (University of West London)


12.00-12.30 Hybrid Virtue Epistemology and the A Priori

                         BENJAMIN JARVIS  (Queen’s University Belfast)



Parallel Session B1, Physics Theatre

Chair: Maeve Cooke (UCD)


11.30-12.00 Wittgenstein on Idealization in Philosophy/Logic

                         OSKARI KUUSELA (East Anglia)


12.00-12.30 Later Wittgenstein as Literature

                         DAVID EGAN (Oxford University)




12.30 -2.00 Lunch




Parallel Session A2, Physics Theatre

Chair: Meredith Plug (TCD)


2.00-2.30 The Twin track Strategy

                   CHRIS DALY (Manchester University)


2.30-3.00 The Philosopher and the Grapes: on descriptive metaphysics and why it is not “sour metaphysics”

                     GIUSEPPINA D’ORO (Keele University)




Parallel Session B2, Iveagh Room

Chair: Áine Kelly (UCD)


2.00-2.30 The Philosophy of Language’s Impact on the Language of Philosophy

                   LARS INDERESLT (Duesseldorf Universitat)


2.30-3.00 How to Do Things with ‘Anglobalisation’

                   OISíN KEOHANE (University of Edinburgh & University of Johannesburg)




Invited Sessions, Physics Theatre

Chair: Dermot Moran (UCD)


3.00- 4.00 Left-Wing vs Right-Wing Wittgensteinians

      KEVIN MULLIGAN (Geneva)



4.00-4.30 Coffee Break



Chair: James O’Shea (UCD)


4.30- 6.30 The Plausibility of Wittgenstein’s Metaphilosophy

      Timothy WILLIAMSON (Oxford)




Conference Dinner – Chez Max, 133 Lower Baggot St., Dublin 2 (invited and registered)



June 19


Invited Sessions, Physics Theatre

Chair:  Sarin Marchetti (UCD)


10.00 -11-00 Conceptual Genealogy

            Philip PETTIT (Princeton/ANU)



11.00-11.30 Coffee Breaks



Chair: Christopher Cowley (UCD)


11.30 - 12.30 Canonical Texts, Canonical Questions

                           KATALIN FARKAS (Central European University)



12.30- 2.00 lunch


Parallel Session A, Physics Theatre

Chair: Jim Levine (TCD)


2.00-2.30 Naturalised Metaphysics or Metaphysics as Metaphor

                    JACK RITCHIE (University of Cape Town)


2.30-3.00 The Importance of Existence Questions        

                    NIALL CONNOLLY (TCD/UCD)



Parallel Session B, Iveagh Room

Chair: Fergal McHugh (UCD)


2.00-2.30 Conditional qua Conceptual Analysis

                    RAAMY MAJEED (The University of Otago)


2.30-3.00 Intuitions and Why They Matter. A Response to Cappelen

                   EUGEN FISHER (East Anglia)



Invited Sessions, Physics Theatre

Chair: Cathal O’Madagain (UCD)


3.00 – 4.00 What Experiments Can Do for Philosophy

        Jonathan WEINBERG (University of Arizona)



4.00-4.30 Coffee Break



Chair: Maria Baghramian (UCD)


4.30-6.30 Philosophy without Intuitions


      Herman Cappelen (St Andrews)



6.30 Dinner – Il Primo, 16 Montague St., Dublin 2

          (invited and registered)

Conference Organisers

Professor Maria Baghramian (UCD)

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Dr Sarin Marchetti (UCD/Rome)

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The conference is generously sponsored by

UCD School of Philosophy

The International Journal of Philosophical Studies

UCD Seed Funding

                                                                                              UCD College of Human Sciences







The American Voice in Philosophy project is supported by:

  • The IRCHSS (“New Ideas” Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • UCD School of Philosophy
  • The International Journal of Philosophical Studies
  • UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies.
  • Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
  • UCD Seed Funding

Principal Investigators

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